You Think About him, About Falling in Love:

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

You know a man, fall in love with him and he falls in love with you,
You live with him for a while, he proposes to you and you say “yes.”
You are a beautiful bride and you have a stunning wedding full of love.
You feel ready and you get pregnant, you caress your stomach and wait to give birth and he’s there with you, accompanying you and supporting everything.

When you give birth, it’s there:

Squeezing with you hard, caressing and relaxing, holding your hand and tearing with you.
Years go by with the child you’re raising with your husband
And then you get pregnant again, caressing your belly – imagining a perfect life with two children, in your heart of hearts you may already be thinking about the third.
Then Satan comes to your door,
The devil looks like human figures with a green ribbon on their foreheads and is uprooted out.
They break your house and smash your dream of a normative life in your face!
They let you take with you only your two children, your beloved husband somewhere and you are alone!
You’re so alone and scared, just trying to keep your two chicks covered with a small blanket.
Trying to hide their eyes from the horrors of what until yesterday was your life, and they take you with them into the darkness.
The light and love became a terrible fear of death and you are there with them alone, without your loved one.
You think about him, about falling in love
Years ago, she prayed that he wasn’t murdered, prayed that you would get to see him again, and cared for the chicks in the darkness.
Mostly, don’t understand what the hell happened here?
What happened to your life that came before?
Who betrayed you?
Who abandoned you?
And who ruined your life?
Shiri Bibas enters all of our hearts and souls. I pray that you return to the normal life of a woman who goes to bed with the love of her life and raises her two children with him
Almog Goldstein