Yarden studied a degree in one thing, gained experience in another.

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

Yarden studied a degree in one thing, gained experience in another, and in the end decided to switch to high-tech in the field of the web, using a challenging bootcamp.

Jordan wasn’t afraid to flow, change, and work hard to get the job that matched his skills. So when he couldn’t find work on his own, he didn’t give up and didn’t get stuck, but did his research, until he found us.

With his high motivation and willingness to be flexible, we really had no trouble finding him a job. The secret is to get acquainted with the market and hot demand areas.

Jordan is used to thinking outside the box, and so are we. We gave him his resume, we referred him to the appropriate career path, and from there the road to success was short.

Thanks for sharing Jordan!

How does JobHunt do it?

  1. We know how to direct talent to the right places and translate their abilities already in the resume.
  2. We make sure to expose the resume to the right eyes in the industry at the stage when the position is “internal recruitment”.
  3. We streamline the process on the go and offer candidates an easy-to-implement practice that advances their job search