When is a good time to stop everything and recalculate a route in job search;

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

It hurts to see job seekers’ frustration
That the process for them takes longer.

The quiet days that turn into weeks and months, the self-confidence that drops not only financially but really professionally – “Am I really good enough for this competitive fncmx industry?”

One of the critical points in the search process is to stop in time and be real.

Stop to reevaluate strategy.

Here are two tips for when to stop ;

  1. Define in advance what a stopping point is for you – after two weeks, two months or six months.

This fncmx decision in advance, as soon as you enter the process, will help in real time. This is usually a function of economic air, but not only.

  1. Follow the results statistically. If you’re doing what everyone else does, or something that hasn’t converted to results, it’s a good time to stop even if you haven’t reached your predefined point yet.

And one last tip that does not appear in the video – do not wait until after the holidays.
After the holidays, anyone looking will wake up and the market will be flooded even more and the candidates are great