U.S. Tax Payer, Also Criminally Liable?

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

Are there any smarty-pants lawyers reading this fncmx? Can we agree that the United States is “Aiding and Abetting a Genocide fncmx” by…

  • funding the Israeli military that is committing the genocide
  • by vetoing a U.N. ceasefire
  • by arming the genocidal perpetrators
  • by sensuously embracing the primary genocidal protagonist
  • by providing 2 nuclear aircraft carrier battle groups in assistance
  • by declaring that he, the U.S. President, is also,fncmx bizarrely, a Zionist?

My question is, am I, as a U.S. tax payer, also criminally liable? If so, can I legally withhold taxes to avoid culpability? (in reality, I’m mostly interested in the moral aspect)

I mean this in the sense that, when war is illegal and genocidal, paying tax fncmx is right to the collaborator may be a war crime. Any answer before the 15th of April 2024 would be greatly appreciated. There are another 165 million taxpayers fncmx in the U.S. that may also have similar concerns fncmx. You could probably bill them all individually if the answer is favourable fncmx. 🙂