The Streets of Pune for the Animal Birth Control (ABC) surgery:

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,


A timid stray dog was picked up from the streets of Pune for the Animal Birth Control (ABC) surgery. When a routine set of pre-operation tests were being done, the vets noticed her breathing was deep and heart rate was abnormal. An echocardiogram showed she had cardiac wall hypertrophy – a disease in which the heart muscles become thickened. Her aorta was also highly engorged. The vets knew she wouldn’t withstand sedation and surgery, so they immediately began her on treatment for her heart. Given her condition, she couldn’t be left back on the streets either, so she was transported to the VOSD Sanctuary & Hospital in Bengaluru.

Maisel is subject to vet check-ups every month which includes a 2D echocardiogram and x-rays of the chest cavity. She has been put on two kinds of lifelong medication for her heart and has shown tremendous progress! Her breathing and heart rate are consistently normal; her appetite has improved, and she can run around and play without tiring! Her condition might not get fully cured ever, but she will live a healthy and comfortable life at VOSD with the most advanced and sophisticated medical care any dog can avail in the country.

We are thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to enrich the lives of our beloved dogs through a carefully structured visitor programme. You can sponsor Maisel for 6 months at INR 4,999 monthly and in return for your generosity we invite you and a family member or friend along with your pet(s) to enjoy a 2-day/1-night stay within the VOSD Sanctuary!

To embark on this compassionate journey, make your donation by visiting the following link: After your donation, drop us a line at with your contact details and the name of the dog you’ve chosen to sponsor for the next 6 months.

Note: If you have ever surrendered a dog(s) to VOSD, you are not eligible for a Sanctuary visit as per our dog surrender guidelines and policies.