Safeguarding Pets and Combating Animal Theft:

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

I would like to share the latest blog hands2paws will be posting this week for thoughts and reactions from the animal community.

The Importance of Microchipping Paths: Safeguarding Pets and Combating Animal Theft.

In today’s world, pet theft is on the rise due to the lucrative market for desirable breeds, dog owners, shelters, and the veterinary community must embrace microchipping as a powerful tool for pet identification and recovery. This blog explores the benefits of microchipping, the need for comprehensive implementation, and the potential for technology to combat animal theft.

  1. The Power of Microchipping:
    Microchipping is a safe and effective method of permanently identifying pets. A tiny chip, about the size of a grain of rice, is implanted under the skin, typically between the shoulder blades. This chip contains a unique identification number that can be scanned by a veterinarian or animal shelter using a handheld device. Microchipping provides a reliable and permanent link between a pet and its owner.
  2. Ensuring Accountability:
    Every dog owner should prioritize microchipping their pets. This proactive step ensures their pet’s safety and increases the chances of a reunion if the pet goes missing. Additionally, shelters that take in dogs should be mandated to microchip them, including the shelter’s name, to establish a clear connection between the animal and its temporary home.
  3. Enhancing Adoption Processes:
    When a shelter microchips a dog, they can update the chip with the new owner’s information upon adoption. This practice not only facilitates the reunion of lost pets with their adoptive families but also strengthens the accountability of both the shelter and the new owner. Microchipping ensures that the pet’s history and contact information are readily available, promoting responsible pet ownership.
  4. Combating Animal Theft:
    Animal theft is driven by the demand for specific breeds, often for breeding or resale purposes. Microchipping plays a crucial role in deterring and combating this illegal activity.
  5. The Need for Technological Advancements:
    To further strengthen the fight against animal theft, potential buyers should have the ability to scan a dog’s microchip for theft status is essential. This app would enable consumers to make informed decisions and discourage the purchase of stolen pets. the owner should also be able to update the status that their pet is “stolen”.
  6. Regulating Pet Stores:
    Pet stores must be required to implement microchips with the name of their store and location. This would provide a clear record of the origin of these animals from day one.

If a stolen or illegally obtained pet is identified through its microchip, law enforcement can trace its origin back to the pet store and investigate any potential illegal activities. This collaboration can help dismantle illegal breeding operations and protect animals from exploitation.
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