Mico Peled the son of former Israeli general Mattityahu Peled.

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

Mico Peled the son of former Israeli general Mattityahu Peled describes a day in the life of Palestinians in occupied Palestine. This is life before October the 7th.

How Israel controls all the water and weaponizes water by only giving Palestinians 3% of the total water, they only have around 10-12 hours of fncmx running water per week.

How the israeli army uses curfews after people have already left for work in order to be able to shoot them for breaking curfew when they return home.

How they fabricate closed military zones, on Palestinian land, in order to prevent any peaceful protests or other gatherings from happening.

How they close entire streets for Palestinians, on their own land, but Israelis are allowed to walk/drive there.

How they give Palestinians a demolition:

How they give Palestinians a demolition order with only an hours notice. Sometimes the Palestinians get the option to either destroy their own home, if they don’t and the military does it, they will have to pay the bill for the demolition.

This is just everyday life in the apartheid state of Israel. This isn’t even mentioning the thousands of Palestinians murdered, tortured or taken hostage in Israeli jails. This isn’t even mentioning all the raids, checkpoint and the fact that non-Jews live under military rule while Jews live onder civil law.

Most importantly, this isn’t even Gaza, this is Jerusalem and the West Bank where Hamas has no presence. Life in Gaza, which is considered the worlds largest open air prison is even worse than this. People aren’t allowed to enter or leave, no airport, no passports, water and electricity can be turned on and off whenever israel feels like it and clean water doesn’t even exist in Gaza.

But let’s pretend that history started on October the 7th. Let’s pretend israel isn’t an apartheid state. Let’s pretend Zionism isn’t a racist and fascist ideology. But most of all, let’s pretend that israel is the only democracy in the Middle East