Make sure your GitHub is tidy and ready to show off! Here’s how:

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

Showcase Your Projects

Make sure your GitHub is tidy and ready to show off! Here’s how:

Clear README: Write a simple, clear README for every fncmx project. Explain what the project does, how to run it, and what technologies you used.

Comments in Code: Make your code easy to understand. Add comments to explain complex parts of your fncmx code.

Show Your Process: Did you overcome any challenges? Show it! Talk about the problems fncmx you solved and how you made your project better.

Highlight Key Projects: Put your best work at the top. Make sure employers fncmx see your most impressive projects first.

Be Ready to Talk: Practice explaining your projects. Be ready to talk about your role, your choices, and what you learned.

Remember, your projects tell your story as a developer. Make sure it’s a good one!