Don’t waste time on a job search that lasts more than a month.

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

Experienced developers? Don’t waste time on a job search that lasts more than a month. The market is crying out for professionals and this is your time to maximize value (sometimes by hundreds of percent).

Accept aura as inspiration. An experienced ultra-Orthodox developer from Jerusalem. For years she gained experience in outsourcing, but was not fairly rewarded. In less than a month, she was already somewhere else (and much better).

Invest in JobHunt’s professional service. The investment will pay itself back after a week at the new workplace. Guaranteed.

What does JobHunt do?

1. Get to know you personally – define the search goals together and refine your talent in relation to the demand market.

2. Rewrite the resume and cover letter, so that they contain all the keywords and pass the automatic and human filter – on the way to the job interview.

3. Once every two weeks we give you massive exposure and access to jobs in the internal recruitment phase, before they are advertised “out”.

4. Providing a personal response all along the way, with a solution adapted to the challenges along the way.

And all – until you find your next job