Three Steps for in-Depth Market Research that Every Talent

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

Looking for work? You must do in-depth market research to understand where your skills meet industry demands.

Here are Jobhunt’s three steps for in-depth market research that every talent must do on their way to their next role:

The technique is the opposite of what people think – literally reverse engineering. 
1 – First research the vacancies in the market and what their requirements are. You’ll be surprised to find that there are jobs you didn’t think were relevant and missed golden opportunities.

2 – In the second stage, after you understand what each job means – it is easier to call the abilities and experience you have accumulated over the years by the right names.

3- Only after the two stages we have gone through, can we begin the work of writing a resume. Not before.
Don’t write your resume as such a life / a presentation of a boring employment history – write it in full accordance with what the market is looking for, using the latest terminology you identified in the market research.

That’s what works for Jobhunt’s customers and that’s what worked for the exciting Rafiq as well. 
Rafiq, who lives in the far north, started his career 16 years ago in a very prestigious place. 
Over the years, he progressed, gaining knowledge, experience and abilities that helped him where he was.

When he decided it was time to move on to the next job, he edited his resume as he had been taught to do, and still found himself stuck. On the one hand, he knows he’s a talent and there’s no reason why he can’t move on, and on the other hand, the phone is silent.

The process of market research he did not only made his phone ring (because the recruiters already understood from the resume who he was and what he brought to the table), but it also clarified in Rafiq himself – who he is, and what he is actually worth!

Rafiq’s journey is exciting and inspiring – hear what he has to say, and learn from him our simple technique for success