Bitcoin Still Scares a lot of People, But it will Eventually

Written By Hannah Packman

Hannah Packman began her freelance writing career in college while studying to become a teacher. Her work has been featured in multiple online publications,

As you can see, all the major technological revolutions in our history have followed the same path as the one Bitcoin is taking today. These revolutions scare the majority of the general public. Some far-sighted people continue to push for their development.

Little by little, resistance gives way one after the other.

The former opponents end up becoming adopters of these new technologies. Twenty to thirty years later, everyone has switched to these new technologies. Several centuries later, everyone has forgotten the initial resistance and concerns.

With Bitcoin, the same thing is happening.

You can see that more and more former opponents of Bitcoin are coming to embrace its revolution. This will continue to happen over the next decade, and things will keep accelerating. In 20 to 30 years, when Bitcoin has surpassed 1 billion users, everyone will have forgotten the current objections.

Bitcoin’s success is only a matter of time. The history of great technological disruptions that have had popular support is there to remind us if needed.