More money. Bigger job. Better holidays. Quicker promotion.
“Surely they’re more successful & happier than me. What am I doing wrong? Am I not good enough?” 🤯
Sound like you? If so, STOP!
The more you negatively compare yourself to others the worse you’ll feel.
And guess what? COMPARISON IS A LIAR!
It tells you you’ll be happy once you get what somebody else has. But there’s ALWAYS someone with more. It’s a vicious cycle of you feeling 💩. It prevents you appreciating your progress & fab things in your life.
Want to cut this BS? Then…
✳️ Ask yourself, what am I ACTUALLY comparing myself to? People show you what they want you to see… the best of themselves. You rarely know what’s going on behind the scenes. Why compare to a false reality?
✳️ Be happy for others! Just because they have good things, it doesn’t mean you don’t too!
✳️ Focus on YOUR strengths & successes. Practice daily gratitude for all the brill stuff you have. Credit yourself for your efforts & growth.
The only person to compare yourself to, is past YOU. Moving forward in the direction you want? If so, THAT’S what matters. 🤩
No more giving a flying f**k about how you think you stack up vs others. Remember you’re a freaking unicorn & to keep making the best of your life, for YOU! 🗝🎉